SPA (Sofia Poetically Animated) is an interdisciplinary mini-residency that brings together writers from different countries across Europe to work alongside musicians and visual artists. In the SPA’s worldview, Europe is bigger than the borders of the EU and literature is a source of inspiration for other art disciplines. The goal of the SPA is to amplify the voice of literary artists by enabling cross-pollination of art disciplines and collaborations between European countries with sporadic or non-existent cultural exchange.
SPA’s playful title references Sofia’s multiplicity and vibrant spirit since it is a city that celebrates the distinct natural, archeological, and historical heritage that is organically interlaced in its contemporary existence. Sofia is also a city that increasingly incorporates contemporary art into its cityscape.
After a successful pilot program in Sofia, in 2019, SPA embraced Plovdiv as a backdrop of inspiration and additional stage for the residency’s second year. In the months preceding the actual phase of SPA, which took place between April 15 and April 25, 2019, in Bulgaria, the participating artists embarked on a virtual collaboration through this current digital platform, created for the needs of SPA. In addition, the virtual room served as a meeting place between the interdisciplinary group of artists and Bulgarian students.
The interactive mode of this platform was created with the support of Plovdiv – European Capital of Culture 2019.
–Margaret Atwood
In 2017, the Elizabeth Kostova Foundation (EKF) launched a creative writing program for Bulgarian high school students. The series is specifically designed for 14 and 18-year olds in multiple genres and provide young people with a safe space to hone their writing skills through fun activities and engaging assignments and prompts.
The workshops are offered in English or in Bulgarian. Places are limited so please register prior to the deadline. We offer scholarships for qualifying candidates.
For upcoming workshops, please follow the link
An advanced discussion among writers of fiction in Bulgarian and English, this gathering hosts fiction writers from Bulgaria and from English-speaking countries, including but not limited to the U.S. and the U.K. All participants are selected on a competitive basis. The Sozopol Fiction Seminars are held in historic Sozopol, Bulgaria.
For three intense days, the participating writers are given the opportunity to explore their craft through a mutual exchange under the guidance of one English-speaking and one Bulgarian fiction writer.
In addition to the morning workshops, the program includes special guest lectures and informal roundtables on various issues from the lifecycle of the book, including how to work with agents, editors, translators, and publishers.